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Saturday, September 18, 2010


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Friday, September 17, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

muhib for grafix

Please follow these steps in our guidelines to ensure your files are accepted at accepts all types of graphics as long as the files are constructed to high standards, have visual appeal and have commercial value. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Any file with images that do not have a release will be rejected.
Brief history of computer-generated stock graphics
Creating graphics to be resold with rights for use and reproduction can be very lucrative as the designer has free reign on what they can design and little or no cost besides their time.

Stock graphics have been available for personal computer users since they first became popular in the mid-1980s. The earliest form of graphics was simple ‘paint’ style images in B&W or 8-bit [256 colour] format. Objects like animals, food items and silhouettes of people were popular though very crude in their design and execution. When PostScript printers arrived, the same crude graphics were recreated as basic vector-based artwork. Creating artwork in vector format meant that it could be scaled to any size without loss of quality, as opposed to pixels that do not scale as smoothly.

With the advent of the Internet and the advancement of design to web 2.0, stock graphics have expanded to even more styles and permutations. Today, online stock graphics sources have hundreds of thousands of top-quality, ready-to-print and/or online-format graphics.
The most widely-accepted formats for background images are Joint Photographic Experts Group [JPG] and Tagged Image File Format [TIFF] or native PSD [PhotoShop] format.

Customers searching for high-quality print-ready background images often require full colour [CMYK] artwork – artwork that will separate into the four process colours for printing. For this purpose, providing the background image in PSD or TIF format is advisable. An experienced designer will prepare this artwork in CMYK format staring at the beginning of the design, not simply convert RGB to CMYK as this can introduce anomalies in the pixels that do not produce clean colour in print [see Colour further in this document].

Customers wanting background images for online typically require RGB format graphics as these are normally used for on-screen display only. As such, images at this resolution need only be provided in JPG format.

A professional designer is most likely to prepare their images in CMYK colour to ensure the integrity of the printed colour by referencing printed colour guides. The designer can then offer the image in RGB formats by converting to this colour profile, rather than starting in RGB and converted to CMYK.
The two main standards for page sizes worldwide are letter [8.5x11] and A4 [210mmx297mm]. Since most vector print-ready graphics are used within a printed page format, creating your graphic within that size makes the most sense. In fact, unless the graphic is a full background design, it need only be 4-5” wide/tall [100mm x 125mm]. Setting up a page in letter or A4 format and centering your design in the middle is an ideal way to present the graphic to your customer.

While it may sound picky, creating your graphics to a specific size also instills a certain level of professionalism that a customer will take note of. That is, if you produce a series of icons and they are all created exactly 4” [100mm] square with perfect .25” [6mm] corners, it shows that you were cognisant of the fact someone may use one or more of the graphics in the series and having them prepared in a consistent format ensures the customer will be able to work with them easily. The same can be said for stroke weights – you want to, as much as possible, create graphics that use consistent stroke weights from one design to another.
One of the most common mistakes a designer can make is to prepare artwork in RGB format and then convert to CMYK for print. The resulting colors are not ideal for printing. For example, a green color in RGB may look bright and clean, yet when it is converted to CMYK, small percentages of magenta and even black may appear, causing the graphic to have a muddy appearance when printed. It is always recommended that colors for designs be created in CMYK format and that designers refer to a printed reference guide when determining colors, simply because the screen is displaying in RGB and is not an accurate method for judging printed color.

When mixing CMYK colors, in addition to referring to a printed color reference guide that shows percentages of mixes of 2 or more process colors, i.e. 50% cyan and 25% magenta, designers should also create colors that are easy to understand as the customer may wish to adjust the color. Creating colors like C72:M37:Y12:K47 is not as understandable as say C80:M45:Y10:K40.

Lastly, the best thing you can do for your customer is prepare global colors and use these colors throughout your design so that, if a customer wanted to change all of the blue elements to green, it is as easy as selecting a global color and changing that, instead of having to manually highlight a multitude of individual elements.
Following a consistent structure for your graphics also shows a client the professionalism of the designer. Take the major elements of the design such as the text, if there is any, and the background, and place them on different layers. Group specific elements together so they can be easily moved or scaled if the customer needs to adjust the design for their specific use. By having elements on separate layers and in groups makes the design that much more flexible for the customer.
Once you have created your artwork and placed it online for resale, you are bound by the rules of the site for which you provided your graphics. That is, once the graphics have been purchased, the customer is allowed to use that graphic within the terms of their agreement with the online service and you cannot make any further claim to own that graphic.

Should the graphic end up being used by a huge multi-national corporation who paid someone $10,000 for the design, your rights as the creator of that design are limited to what you agreed to with that online service and the payment as set out by the terms of that service.

Your thumbnail image needs to be 156x92 pixels and can be JPEG, GIF or PNG format. Your thumbnail image should be an accurate representation of how your file looks.

When naming your main file and putting in your keywords please keep these relevant to the file being uploaded. File names and keywords should reflect what the file is and what it does. Using irrelevant names and keywords will result in your file being rejected. For example "Black circular pattern design" is correct, "totally amazing pattern" is not correct. You will need to supply at least 3 keywords for your file submission.
You may recommend a price that you think your file should be sold at. However staff will review your product and decide on the final price, if you do not agree with the price, please contact us. Please use this guide to help your upload process, the advice offered is to help protect all parties from copyright infringements and to aid you with your sales as a successful flash stock provider within our community.

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Naked money-making trap in city schools: The unheard of readmission fees

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Renowned Schools and Colleges in the city are making brisk business in the name of readmission fee every year taking advantage of the absence of any proper monitoring by the government in this regard.
Even the school authorities are increasing these fees every year in the name of session fee, development fee, examination fee, fee card, scout fee, ritual functions fee and so on.
Though most of the guardians of the city are middle class people, they have to bear such kind of extra expenditure.
On the other hand, school authorities said sufficient money was needed to ensure quality education, otherwise qualified teachers and logistic support is not possible to give.
The guardians of the students of two reputed educational institutions in the capital staged demonstration recently to press home their demand to reduce the extra charge.
Guardians of Ideal School and College (ISC) staged demonstration in front of the school gate in Motijheel on Sunday protesting the hike of session and tuition fees without prior notice.
Terming the decision “totally illogical”, they said it would become very difficult for many lower and middle-income group families to spend extra fees for their children.
The school authority fixed this year’s session fee at Tk 5,000 from last year’s Tk 3,200 while monthly tuition fee has been raised Tk 400 from Tk 300.
One of the guardians informed that admission fee at ISC are Tk 6,400 for brilliant students and Tk 4,400 for colony residents. Tk 31,400 is taken as donation for students who could not qualify in the admission tests.
‘Viqarunnisa Noon School and College charges Tk 25,540 as donation from students already in the merit list. Students not in the merit list have to pay Tk 35,000 to get into the school,’ a guardian said.
Monthly fees at Ideal school has been increased by 20 per cent. However, an official of ISC denied the increase in monthly fees. A senior teacher of Viqarunnisa Noon School and College, Fatema Nasreen said that to retain the fame of the school and develop the educational atmosphere it is essential to increase readmission and others fees.
She also claimed that despite its name and fame, her school took minimum fees compared to other schools in the capital.
Referring to price hike of the essentials she said, it has become a big problem for her school.
About the teachers’ involvement in private coaching, she said as the teachers are paid low remunerations from the school some of them were compelled by circumstances to do it.
Nigar Sultana, a guardian of a student of the Viqarunnisa Noon School, said the guardians were planning to wage movement against hike of admission and other fees.
The authority called to hold a meeting with the guardians to solve this problem mutually, she added.
She also said her child, who is going to be readmitted in class four from class three, will have to pay Tk 4,320 from Tk 3,400.
The monthly fees of the students in junior, middle and senior classes of Monipur High school have also been raised in the beginning of this month. Although, the administration tried to raise the fees by Tk 100 in all these categories, protest from parents and criticism in national dailies led them to increase it by Tk 50.
‘But, we had to pay Tk 3,200 as admission fees this year, as against Tk 2,675 last year,’ a parent said.
Some parents also complained that the school administration did not provide any valid reason behind the sudden hike. When asked, Belayet Hossain Sikder, Headmaster (In charge) of the school said, ‘Ask the parents who complained to the press to come to me and I will tell them exactly why we have increased the fees.’
Monthly fees at the school section of ‘BCIC School and College’ has also been increased to Tk 350 from Tk 200. School management also increased admission fees from Tk 2,600 to Tk 5,600. Fees and other charges have been also increased, in a similar manner, at Udayan and many other reputed Bengali medium schools in Dhaka, according to parents.
According to a guardian, whose children are studying at the leading English medium schools, said rising of fees and other charges is a common phenomenon. Monthly fee at Maple Leaf is currently Tk 2,900 although it was Tk 2,500 in the 2005-2006 session.Aga Khan School, Dhaka (AKSD), another renowned English medium school, also increased its monthly fees to Tk 5,500 during this session.
‘The fee was Tk 5,200 during the 2004-2005 session. The school administration reasoned that the fees have been increased only by Tk 300. But in five years time, the fees increased by Tk 1,500 which is quite high.
A mother of a student of Aga Khan school said” though the school the school management has increased readmission and other fees abnormally, our income has remained almost static.”

Bangladesh Agriculture and Tourism

Bangladesh has a primarily agrarian economy. Agriculture is the single largest producing sector of the economy since it comprises about 30% of the country’s GDP and employs around 60% of the total labour force. The performance of this sector has an overwhelming impact on major macroeconomic objectives like employment generation, poverty alleviation, human resources development and food security.
Most Bangladeshis earn their living from agriculture. Although rice and jute are the primary crops, wheat is assuming greater importance. Tea is grown in the northeast. Because of Bangladesh’s fertile soil and normally ample water supply, rice can be grown and harvested three times a year in many areas. Due to a number of factors, Bangladesh’s labor-intensive agriculture has achieved steady increases in food grain production despite the often unfavorable weather conditions. These include better flood control and irrigation, a generally more efficient use of fertilizers, and the establishment of better distribution and rural credit networks. With 35.8 million metric tons produced in 2000, rice is Bangladesh’s principal crop. National sales of the classes of insecticide used on rice, including granular carbofuran, synthetic pyrethroids, and malathion exceeded 13,000 tons of formulated product in 2003 . The insecticides not only represent an environmental threat, but are a significant expenditure to poor rice farmers. The Bangladesh Rice Research Institute is working with various NGOs and international organizations to reduce insecticide use in rice .
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated areas of the world with a population of about 130 million. About 86.6% of the total population is Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Christians make up the rest of the population. Bangladesh offers the extremes of wildlife from the blue whale, which occasionally appears in the Bay of Bengal- and the Asian elephant to the tiny pigmy shrew, the smallest mammal. The bird life ranges from the showy peacock to the tiny sparrow and the talkative Mynas, while the reptile world has the king Cobra, one of the world’s most deadly snakes and the Python, one of the largest Top of the wildlife atractions are of course, the cats-from Royal Bengal Tigers and leopards to the small fishing cat
Tourists can enjoy easily because of the language. The state language and mother language is Bangla. English is widely spoken and understood.
In transport sector, Bangladesh is now very rich. Bangladesh can be reached by air from any part of the world. Biman Bangladesh Airlines connects Dhaka with 25 major cities of the world. It also operates in 8 domestic routes. Besides Biman international carriers also fly to and for from Dhaka. Private airlines also fly on the domestic routes.
Here is a good accommodation capacity also. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation, the national tourism organization, runs a number of modern hotels, motels and cotages throughout the country. There are also many private hotels that provide efficient service and competitive prices. Visitors can also take accommodation in rest houses belonging to different government departments and other agencies. Besides, Dhaka, Chitagong, and Cox’s Bazar have quite a few international standard hotels.
Bangladesh is also a land of very tasty food. Local and foreign foods are available hare. Western, Chinese. Thai, Japanese and Korean cuisinne are available in most standard restaurants and hotels in major cities. Local delicacies include a wide verity of curries, vegetable dishes, and meat and fish preparations such as Korma, Rezala, Bhoona and Mosala roast, Muton, Chicken and Prawn are also popular. Most local restaurants serve a variety of rice preparations-Polao, Biriyani, Khinchuri-as well as substitutes such as Moglai and plain Parata, Naan Ruti, Chapati, which go well with curries. Sea fish and sweet water fish are available in most restaurants.
The locally taken hot drink known as Cha is the most popular drink. Tea produced in Bangladesh ranks among the best in the world. Coffee is served in most hotels and restaurants in cities. Among cold drinks, Lassi, a refreshing yoghurt drink is a popular summer time treat Soft drinks of most global brands are available everywhere in the country. Only big hotels and bars serve hard drinks. All bars are closed on Friday.
Besides, Misti Doi-sweetened yoghurt, Halua-a common dessert which comes in many shades from egg Halua to carrot, wheat cheese. Almond, Pistachio and so on. Sandesh-milk made dessert, Zarda-sweetened rice with nuts, Firni rice flower cooked in milk and sugar with flavouring, Rasogolla and Kalojam-two popular milk- based dessert (sweetmeat) made with sugar, flour and ghee. Rosho Malai-sweet floating in thick milk, Pitha-a common name for cakes or pasties-in varieties such as Chitoi, Dhupi, Puli, Bhapa, Pakan etc that are available throughout the country.
Among wide varieties of seasonal fruits of Bangladesh are Leechies, Mangoes, (king of fruits), Blackberries, Kanthals, Bananas, Jackfruits, Watermelons, Papaws, Pineapples, Coconuts and Oranges.
Places of historical interest: Dhaka
Dhaka founded in 1608 as the seat of the Imperial Moghuls victory over Bengal. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, has grown from a placid litle town to a bustling city of close to 13 million people. Dhaka is the hub of most industrial and commercial activities in the country.
Suhrawardy Udyan (garden): Located at a stone’s throw from Dhaka Hotel and partly within the campus of Dhaka University, this udyan formerly a race course bears testimony to our historical struggle for Independence. It is here where the Commander of the occupation forces surrendered with 95,000 soldiers on 16 December in 1971.
Lalbagh Fort: The fort of Aurangzeb popularly known as the Lalbagh Fort was built in 1678 by Prince Muhammad Azam, son of Moghul Emperor Aurangazeb, who was the Viceroy of Bengal.
Mosques: Dhaka is renowned as a city of Mosques. Among more than a couple of thousands of Mosques, the prominent ones are the Seven Domed Mosques (17th century), the Star mosque (18th century) and Baitul Mukkarram, national Mosque built in 1960’s.
Temples- Among the more prominent of the Hindu Temples are the Dhakeshwari Temple (11th century) and Ram Krishna Mission.
Churches- Dhaka has a number of old churches of which the Armenian Church (1781), St Marry’s Cathedral in Ramna and St Thomas’s Cathedral (1677) at Tejgaon are the most prominent
Shahid Minar- The graceful monument situated near the Dhaka Medical College Hospital commemorates the martyrs of the historical Language Movement of 1952.
A splendid piece of architecture, Banga Bhaban is the official residence of the President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
National Museum- Housed in an impressive building at Shahbag, the Museum contains a large number of exhibits including sculpture, coins, paintings and inscriptions.
Ramna Green-Ramna Green is the largest park in the city with vast stretches of well-kept ground with a lake that cuts it into half. The park is also the venue for many national functions.
National Park- The National Park is situated at Rajendrapur, 40 km north of Dhaka in the magnificent Bhawal region along Dhaka-Mymenisngh highway. The vast 1600 acres of forested area is an ideal destination for eco-tourism).
National Mausoleum- Located at Savar, in the suburb of Dhaka city, the splendid memorial commemorates the Martyrs of the War of Independence in 1971. The sprawling campus of Jahangirnagar University is located nearby.
Memorial for the Martyrs of 1857 (Bahadur Shah Park)- The Memorial commemorates the martyrs of the first Liberation War (1857-59) against the British rule. It was here that rebel soldiers and their civilian compatriots were publicly hanged.
Muktijuddho Museum- Situated at Segun Bagicha, it possesses a rich collection of rare photographs of Liberation War and articles used by the freedom fighters.
Ahsan Manzil-Located at on the bank of River Buriganga in the old part of Dhaka. Ahsan Manzil is a reminder of the nation’s rich cultural heritage. The large mansion was built in the Victorian style with some elements of late Braque thrown in. It was the home of the Nawabs of Dhaka. Recently renovated and painted in bright pink, the mansion has been converted into a museum containing articles and utensils used by the Nawabs.
National Assembly Complex-The magnificent National Assembly complex building with ancillary traces was designed by the world renowned architect Luis Kahn and is considered one of the landmarks of modern architecture. Baldah Garden-Baldah Garden situated in the old 16 km away from Dhaka
Sonargaon-30 km to the south-east of Dhaka lies Sonargaon, an ancient capital of Bengal. It was the seat of Dev dynasty until the 13th century. From this period onward until the advent of the Moghuls Sonargaon was a subsidiary capital of the Sultanate of Bengal.
From all the aspects we are very proud to say that bangladesh is full of natural agricultural environment. but besides this we are not using this treasure with properly. If we can use our DESI product properly we can earn a lots of foriegn currenncy and also the country people could enjoy the DESI product.
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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010



Thursday, April 22, 2010

Using Alarm when Phone is Off

Did you know that you can set alarm on your phone even when it is turned off? This is quite useful feature for people who usually turn their phones off while sleeping. For you who always turn your phones on, this feature might not be interesting. Actually it is not only a feature of S60 phones; some other non-S60 phones from Nokia has this feature too. 

How do we setup this feature? There is nothing special. Simply set alarm in the Clock application as usual. Then switch off your phone and go to bed. Next morning, when the alarm is ringing, you can stop it and the phone will be switched on automatically. Alternatively, you can also select snooze if you still want to sleep.

Design your own WAP site

 you become a Prodigits member, you can set your own wap site for free. You can add your profile information, blogs, polls, links, photos and your videos on your Prodigits WAP site. Go to 

Other free WAP site builders/hosts: (for redirection)
Don't forget to give a link to after you finished ;)
If you want to go one step forward, learn WML (Wireless Markup Language). There are resources on web, search with Google.
Next thing to do is to register a domain name and buy a hosting to serve your wap site.
Good Luck!

Cell Phone Security

Mobile Phone security - worth doing. 

Here is something worth knowing if you have a mobile phone .... 

Have you ever wondered why phone companies don't seem interested in trying to prevent the theft of mobile phones? If you have ever lost, or had one stolen, and if you are on a plan, you still have to pay the plan approximately up to 24 months, and you have to buy another handset and enter into another contract. This is more revenue for the phone company. 

There is a simple way of making lost or stolen mobiles useless to thieves and the phone companies know about it, but keep it quiet. 

To check your mobile phone's serial number, key in the following on your phone: 

star-hash-zero-six-hash ( * # 0 6 # ) 
and a fifteen digit code will appear on the screen. This is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it safe. Should your mobile phone get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset, so even if the thief changes the sim card, your phone will be totally useless. 

You probably won't get your phone back, but at lease you know that whoever stole it can't use / sell it either. 
If everybody did this, there would be no point in stealing mobile phones.

Motorolla code

IMEI number: *#06# Code to lock keys. Press together *7 Note: [] (pause) means the * key held in until box appears. Select phone line - (use this to write things below the provider name): [] [] [] 0 0 8 [] 1 [] Add phonebook to main menu: [] [] [] 1 0 5 [] 1 [] Add messages to main menu: [] [] [] 1 0 7 [] 1 [] Copy SIM memory (phonebook menu): [] [] [] 1 0 8 [] 1 [] Eng Field options (main menu): [] [] [] 1 1 3 [] 1 [] Slow (Frequency of search menu): [] [] [] 1 0 1 [] 1 [] Medium (Frequency of search menu): [] [] [] 1 0 2 [] 1 [] Fast (Frequency of search menu): [] [] [] 1 0 3 [] 1 [] Enable EFR: [] [] [] 1 1 9 [] 1 [] Function : [] [] [] # # # [] 1 [] Change pin: [] [] [] 0 0 4 [] 1 [] Unblocking using the "puk" number: [] [] [] 0 0 5 [] 1 [] There are lots of similar codes exist. If you change the last number to 0 you can deactive that code. The 3 digit number at the middle are from 0 to 999. I put the most interesting codes. (EFR):Enhanced Full Rate Codec. You can change GSM frequencies to 900/1800 by entering the enginnering model. Following the below steps: enter menu and press 048263* quickly, then you will enter the secret engineering menu under "Opcode" input 10*0*3 for GSM 900 10*0*4 for GSM 1800 10*0*5 for GSM 1900 10*0*6 for dual band GSM 900/1800 10*0*7 for dual band GSM 850/1900 To add extra message space 4 your Motorola C350 C450 C550 or C650, press menu button, press 048263* quickly, then on the popup menu enter 47 press 50 and 1 64 1 186 and ok.You will receive an extra 50 msgs memory space.Switch phone off and back on.(not tested) Important! Try these codes at your own risk! We don't accept any complaints. Some of these codes may not work.

Sony Ericsson

Sony Ericsson Secret Menu: -> * <- <- * <- * (-> means press joystick, arrow keys or jogdial to the right and <- means left.) You'll see phone model, software info, IMEI, configuration info, sim lock status, REAL time clock, total call time and text labels. You can also test your phones services and hardware from this menu (main display, camera, LED/illumination, Flash LED, keyboard, earphone, speaker, microphone, radio and vibrator tests) IMEI Number: *#06# Lockstatus: <- * * <- Shortcut to last dialed numbers: 0# Shortcut to sim numbers: On main menu type a number and press # If you change the language from default to any other language, then it may be difficult to switch to default language. The shortcut is very simple. Just press <> . <> stands for right arrow button or joystick.

lg code

LG all models test mode: Type 2945#*# on the main screen. 2945*#01*# Secret menu for LG IMEI (ALL): *#06# IMEI and SW (LG 510): *#07# Software version (LG B1200): *8375# Recount cheksum (LG B1200): *6861# Factory test (B1200): #PWR 668 Simlock menu (LG B1200): 1945#*5101# Simlock menu (LG 510W, 5200): 2945#*5101# Simlock menu (LG 7020, 7010): 2945#*70001# Simlock menu (LG 500, 600): 2947#* LG-U81XX SPECIAL CODES Code to read phone version : - Phone without SIM - Enter 277634#*# or 47328545454# - Select 'SW' Code to reset phone : - Phone without SIM - Enter 277634#*# or 47328545454# - Select 'Factory Reset' Code to enter UNLOCK MENU : - Phone wit SIM inside - Enter 2945#*88110# Test Menu 8330 : 637664#*# Test Menu 8180 V10a: 49857465454# Test Menu 8180 V11a: 492662464663# Test Menu 8130-8138: 47328545454# Test Menu 8110-8120: 277634#*# Suggest a code Important! Try these codes at your own risk! We don't accept any complaints. Some of these codes may not work

samsung code

Software version: *#9999# IMEI number: *#06# Serial number: *#0001# Battery status- Memory capacity : *#9998*246# Debug screen: *#9998*324# - *#8999*324# LCD kontrast: *#9998*523# Vibration test: *#9998*842# - *#8999*842# Alarm beeper - Ringtone test : *#9998*289# - *#8999*289# Smiley: *#9125# Software version: *#0837# Display contrast: *#0523# - *#8999*523# Battery info: *#0228# or *#8999*228# Display storage capacity: *#8999*636# Display SIM card information: *#8999*778# Show date and alarm clock: *#8999*782# The display during warning: *#8999*786# Samsung hardware version: *#8999*837# Show network information: *#8999*638# Display received channel number and received intensity: *#8999*9266# *#1111# S/W Version *#1234# Firmware Version *#2222# H/W Version *#8999*8376263# All Versions Together *#8999*8378# Test Menu *#4777*8665# GPSR Tool *#8999*523# LCD Brightness *#8999*377# Error LOG Menu *#8999*327# EEP Menu *#8999*667# Debug Mode *#92782# PhoneModel (Wap) #*5737425# JAVA Mode *#2255# Call List *#232337# Bluetooth MAC Adress *#5282837# Java Version Type in *#0000# on a Samsung A300 to reset the language Master reset(unlock) #*7337# (for the new samsungs E700 x600 but not E710) Samsung E700 type *#2255# to show secret call log (not tested) Samsung A300, A800 phone unlock enter this *2767*637# Samsung V200, S100, S300 phone unlock : *2767*782257378#

Nokia code

 On the main screen type *#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity). *#7780# reset to factory settings. *#67705646# This will clear the LCD display(operator logo). *#0000# To view software version. *#2820# Bluetooth device address. *#746025625# Sim clock allowed status. *#62209526# - Display the MAC address of the WLAN adapter. This is available only in the newer devices that supports WLAN like N80 #pw+1234567890+1# Shows if sim have restrictions. *#92702689# - takes you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below: 1. Displays Serial Number. 2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture 3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY) 4. Displays the date of the last repair - if found (0000) 5. Shows life timer of phone (time passes since last start) *#3370# - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. Increase signal strength, better signal reception. It also help if u want to use GPRS and the service is not responding or too slow. Phone battery will drain faster though. *#3370* - (EFR) deactivation. Phone will automatically restart. Increase battery life by 30% because phone receives less signal from network. *#4720# - Half Rate Codec activation. *#4720* - Half Rate Codec deactivation. The phone will automatically restart If you forgot wallet code for Nokia S60 phone, use this code reset: *#7370925538# Note, your data in the wallet will be erased. Phone will ask you the lock code. Default lock code is: 12345 Press *#3925538# to delete the contents and code of wallet. *#7328748263373738# resets security code. Default security code is 12345 Unlock service provider: Insert sim, turn phone on and press vol up(arrow keys) for 3 seconds, should say pin code. Press C,then press * message should flash, press * again and 04*pin*pin*pin# Change closed caller group (settings >security settings>user groups) to 00000 and ure phone will sound the message tone when you are near a radar speed trap. Setting it to 500 will cause your phone 2 set off security alarms at shop exits, gr8 for practical jokes! (works with some of the Nokia phones.) Press and hold "0" on the main screen to open wap browser. Important! Try these codes at your own risk! We don't accept any complaints. Some of these codes may not work.